
rPeptide는 알츠하이머와 파킨슨병 연구에 꼭 필요한 펩타이드, 단백질, 항체, 시약 등을 공급하는 미국 회사로서, 수용성 펩타이드나 E.coli 단백질과 같이 그 동안 구현되기 어려웠던 재조합 발현 단백질을 rPeptide 사만의 독점 플랫폼 벡터 기술을 통해 생산 공급하고 있습니다. 또한 다양한 종류의 Beta Amyloids, Taus, Synucleins, Calmodulins 뿐 만 아니라, Custom peptide 서비스도 제공하는 알츠하이머와 파킨스병 연구 관련 전문 회사입니다.

주요품목 카테고리 

Beta Amyloid Peptides
- Beta-Amyloid Antibodies
- Beta-Amyloid Peptide Fragments
- Beta-Amyloid Labeled Peptides, Recombinant
- Beta-Amyloid Labeled Peptides, Synthetic
- Beta-Amyloid Peptides, Human, Native and Mutant, Recombinant

Monoclonal Antibodies
- Beta Amyloid
- Synuclein
- Tubulin
- Tau and Related Proteins

- Tau
- Tubulin
- Surfactants
- Synuclein
- Amyloid Precursor Protein
- Apo E
- AD/PD related Proteins
- Calmodulin

Aggregation & Starter Kits
- Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Starter Kit
- Beta-Amyloid (1-42), Starter Kit
- Beta Amyloid (1-40) Aggregation Kit
- Beta Amyloid (1-42) Aggregation Kit
- Tau Starter Kit

Best Products

ProductCat No.Size

Beta-Amyloid (1-42), Ultra Pure, HFIPA-1163-21.0mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42), Ultra Pure, TFAA-1002-21.0mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Uniformly LabeledA-1101-21 mg

Biotin-Beta-Amyloid (1-42)A-1117-10.5mg

Fluorescein-Beta-Amyloid (1-42)A-1119-10.5 mg

Alpha-SynucleinS-1001-21.0 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, A53T mutantS-1002-21.0 mg

Tau-441, (2N4R), P301L mutantT-1014-150 μg

Tau-441, Human, RecombinantT-1001-150 μg

Tau-441, Human, RecombinantT-1001-2100 μg


Starter Kits

rPeptide 는 사용자들의 편의성, 효율성 그리고 전문성을 높이기 위해 Beta amyloid/Tau starter kit를 제공하고 있어서 다양한 조건을 하나의 제품으로 테스트 할 수 있습니다.

ProductDescriptionCat No.Size

Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Starter KitContains 5 salts of beta-amyloid,1-40 : TFA salt, HFIP treated, NaOH salt, HCl salt, NH4OH saltA-1150-15 x 0.5 mg
A-1150-25 x 1.0 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42), Starter KitContains 5 salts of beta-amyloid,1-42 : TFA salt, HFIP treated, NaOH salt, HCl salt, NH4OH saltA-1160-15 x 0.5 mg
A-1160-25 x 1.0 mg

Tau Protein Ladder

Tau는 알츠하이머병의 신경섬유질(Neurofibrillary Tangles, NFT)에서 발견되는 주요 neuronal microtubule 관련 단백질로써, 6개의 isoform이 있습니다.

ProductDescriptionCat No.Size

Tau Protein Ladder all 6 isoformsHuman, Recombinant, E. coli
45.9, 42.6, 42.9, 39.7, 40, 36.8 KDa (No His-tag)
T-1007-150 ul
T-1007-2100 ul

Figure 1: Electrophoresis. 10μl of tau protein marker (mix of six human tau isoforms) was run on a 5-20 % SDS-PAGE mini-gel to verify purity.
Figure 2: Immunoblotting. 2μl of tau protein marker (mix of six human tau isoforms) was run on a 5-20 % SDS-PAGE mini-gel.

Beta Amyloid Aggregation Kit

beta-amyloid peptide(Abeta)는 알츠하이머병의 원인으로 알려져 있고, amyloid plaque 의 주요 성분입니다. rPeptide의 제품으로 amyloid aggregation의 특성을 모니터링 할 수 있습니다.

ProductDescriptionCat No.Size

Beta Amyloid (1-42) Aggregation KitContains components for a Thioflavin AssayA-1170-10.5 mg
A-1170-21.0 mg

Beta Amyloid (1-40) Aggregation KitContains components for a Thioflavin AssayA-1180-10.5 mg
A-1180-21.0 mg

Human, Native, Mutant, Beta-Amyloid Peptides, Recombinant, E. Coli

ProductCat No.Size

Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Ultra Pure, TFAA-1001-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Ultra Pure, HFIPA-1153-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Ultra Pure, NaOHA-1155-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-40), NH4OHA-1157-025250 ug

Beta-Amyloid (1-40) Starter KitA-1150-14 x 0.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42), Mouse/Rat, TFAA-1008-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, scrambled), TFAA-1004-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-43), Ultra Pure, TFAA-1005-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-46), TFAA-1083-10.1 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-40, F4W), TFAA-1011-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-40, Y10W), TFAA-1012-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-40, D23N), TFAA-1013-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-40, G38A) TFAA-1014-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, M35V), TFAA-1021-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, R5G), TFAA-1022-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, Y10A), TFAA-1023-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, F4W), TFAA-1024-1100 μg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, H6A), TFAA-1025-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, H13A), TFAA-1026-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42, H14A), TFAA-1027-21 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-42) E22Del, TFAA-1028-1100 μg

15N Beta-Amyloid (1-38), Uniformly LabeledA-1147-10.1 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Uniformly LabeledA-1101-10.1 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Rat UniformlyA-1131-10.5 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (1-42), Uniformly LabeledA-1102-10.1 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (1-42), Rat UniformlyA-1134-10.1 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (1-43), Uniformly LabeledA-1107-11.0 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (1-46), Uniformly LabeledA-1179-10.1 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (11-40), Uniformly LabeledA-1137-11.0 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (11-40), Rat, UniformlyA-1140-11.0 mg

15N Beta-Amyloid (11-42), Uniformly LabeledA-1120-21.0 mg

13C, 15N Beta-Amyloid (1-40), UniformlyA-1103-10.5 mg

13C, 15N Beta-Amyloid (1-42), UniformlyA-1104-10.5 mg

13C, Beta-Amyloid (1-43), Uniformly LabeledA-1108-10.5 mg

13C Beta-Amyloid (1-40), Uniformly LabeledA-1105-10.5 mg

13C Beta-Amyloid (1-42), Uniformly LabeledA-1106-10.5 mg

13C, Beta-Amyloid (1-43), Uniformly LabeledA-1109-10.5 mg

Beta Amyloid (1-42) Aggregation KitA-1170-10.5 mg

Beta Amyloid (1-40) Aggregation KitA-1180-10.5 mg

Human, Labeled, beta-Amyloid Peptides Synthetic

ProductCat No.Size

Biotin-Beta-Amyloid (1-40)A-1111-010.1 mg

Biotin-LC-Beta-Amyloid (1-40)A-1112-10.5 mg

Fluorescein-Beta-Amyloid (1-40)A-1113-10.5 mg

Biotin-Beta-Amyloid (1-42)A-1117-10.5 mg

Biotin-LC-Beta-Amyloid (1-42)A-1118-10.5 mg

Fluorescein-Beta-Amyloid (1-42)A-1119-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid Peptide Fragments

ProductCat No.Size

Beta-Amyloid (1-11)A-1051-11.0 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-16)A-1052-11.0 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-28)A-1053-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (1-38)A-1078-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (11-22)A-1055-11.0 mg

Beta-Amyloid (11-40)A-1061-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (11-40), Mouse/RatA-1062-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (11-42)A-1063-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (12-28)A-1056-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (17-40)A-1057-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (17-42)A-1058-10.5 mg

Beta-Amyloid (22-35)A-1059-11.0 mg

Beta-Amyloid (25-35)A-1060-11.0 mg


ProductCat No.Size

50 ug


ProductCat No.Size

Calmodulin, PorcineC-1001-11.0 mg

Calmodulin, Porcine, BiotinylatedC-1002-1100 μg

Calmodulin, Porcine, FluoresceinC-1003-1100 μg

Calmodulin, Porcine, RhodamineC-1004-1100 ug

Calmodulin, Wheat (Triticum aestivum) & PorcineC-1006-1200 ul

Calmodulin-SH, Wheat (Triticum aestivum)C-1007-1250 μg

Calmodulin, Wheat (Triticum aestivum), FluoresceinC-1009-150 μg

Calmodulin, Wheat, RhodamineC-1010-150 μg

Calmodulin-SH, Wheat, ImmobilizedC-1011-1200 ul

Human, Native and Mutant Synucleins Recombinant, E. coli

ProductCat No.Size

Alpha-SynucleinS-1001-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, A53T mutantS-1002-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, A30P mutantS-1005-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, A30P, A53T mutantS-1006-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, E46K mutantS-1008-10.5 mg

Beta-SynucleinS-1003-10.5 mg

15N Alpha-Synuclein, Uniform labelS-1004-10.5 mg

Gamma-SynucleinS-1007-10.5 mg

Gamma Synuclein, MouseS-1009-10.5 mg

Alpha Syncuclein, MouseS-1010-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, 1-60S-1011-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, 1-95S-1012-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, 61-140S-1013-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, Delta-NACS-1014-10.5 mg

Alpha-Synuclein, 112 (NACP112)S-1015-10.5 mg

15N, Beta-Synuclein, Uniform LabelS-1016-10.5 mg

15N, Beta-Synuclein, Uniform LabelS-1102-10.5 mg

AD/PD Related Proteins

ProductCat No.Size

Alpha 1 AntichymotrypsinA-2002-1100 ug

Alpha 1 AntitrypsinA-2003-11.0 mg

Alpha 2 MacroglobulinA-2004-1
1.0 mg

ChymotrypsinA-2005-1100 ug

HaptoglobinA-2006-11.0 mg

MyeloperoxidaseA-2007-1100 ug

PlasminA-2008-11.0 mg

PlasminogenA-2009-11.0 mg

TransferrinA-2010-1100 mg

Human Apolipoprotein E, Human Plasma Recombinant

ProductCat No.Size

Apolipoprotein E, Human Plasma, VLDLA-2001-150 ug

Human Apolipoprotein D, Apo-DA-2011-110 ug

Human Apolipoprotein J, Apo-J/ClusterinA-2012-110 ug

Human Apolipoprotein SAA, Apo-SAAA-2013-110 ug

Human Apolipoprotein A-1, Apo-A1A-2014-120 ug

Human Apolipoprotein E2, Apo-E2A-2015-150 ug

Human Apolipoprotein E3, ApoE3A-2016-150 ug

Human Apolipoprotein E4, ApoE4A-2017-150 ug

Human, Native Tau, Recombinant, E. coli

ProductCat No.Size

Tau-441, Human, RecombinantT-1001-150 ug

Tau-410, Human, RecombinantT-1002-150 ug

Tau-412, Human, RecombinantT-1003-150 ug

Tau-381, Human, RecombinantT-1004-150 ug

Tau-383, Human, RecombinantT-1005-150 ug

Tau-352, Human, RecombinantT-1006-150 ug

Tau Protein Ladder, of all 6 isoformsT-1007-150 ul

Tau Starter KitT-1170-16 x 50 ug

Human, Tau Mutants, Recombinant, Ecoli

ProductCat noSize

Tau-441, (2N4R), R406W mutantT-1011-150 ug

Tau-441, (2N4R), V337M mutantT-1012-150 ug

Tau-441, (2N4R), G272V mutantT-1013-150 ug

Tau-441, (2N4R), P301L mutantT-1014-150 ug

Tau-441, (2N4R), V248L mutantT-1015-150 ug

Tau-441, (2N4R), 15N Uniformly LabeledT-1101-150 ug

Beta-Amyloid Monoclonal Antibodies

ProductCat No.Size

Beta-Amyloid 7E7 Antibody Kit, Contains Beta Amyloid 7E7 antibody, Beta Amyloid (1-40) NH4OHBA-1101-150 ug
BA-1101-2100 ug

Beta-Amyloid 7E7 Antibody Kit, Contains Beta Amyloid 7E7 antibody, Beta Amyloid (1-42) NH4OHBA-1102-150 ug
BA-1102-2100 ug

Beta-Amyloid 6C2 Antibody Kit, Contains Beta Amyloid 6C2 antibody, Beta Amyloid (1-40) NH4OHBA-2201-150 ug
BA-2202-2100 ug

Beta-Amyloid 6C2 Antibody Kit, Contains Beta Amyloid 6C2 antibody, Beta Amyloid (1-42) NH4OHBA-2202-150 ug
BA-2202-2100 ug

Monocloanl and Polyclonal Antibodies

ProductCat No.Size

Anti-Human A-Synuclein 10C3SA-3001-1100 ug

Anti-Human A-Synuclein 5G4SA-3002-1100 ug

Anti-Human A-Synuclein 10D2SA-3003-1100 ug

Anti-Human A-Synuclein Pab 63, PolySA-3004-1100 ul

Anti-Human phospho-181 tau-1E7TA-3001-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-181 tau-8B11TA-3002-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-181 tau-8D2TA-3003-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-181 tau-10D3TA-3004-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-199 tau-1F3TA-3005-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-199/202 tau-9C8TA-3006-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-202 tau-10F8TA-3007-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-231 tau-2B11TA-3008-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-231 tau-5G7TA-3009-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-231 tau-9D8TA-3010-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-231 tau-4C10TA-3011-1100 ug

Anti-Human phospho-231/235 tau-3G3TA-3012-1100 ug

Anti-Human tau total 4B5TA-3013-1100 ug

Anti-Human tau total 8F10TA-3014-1100 ug

Anti-Human tau total 12C2TA-3015-1100 ug

Anti-Human tau total 18B5TA-3016-1100 ug

Anti-Human tau total 7E5TA-3017-1100 ug

Anti-Human tau-E3 2B6TA-3018-1100 ug

Anti-Human tau-E2+E3 9E11TA-3019-1100 ug

Anti-Human tau total pAB 64, PolyTA-3020-1100 ug

제품 문의 

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